Women uplifting

women uplifting women


Women are incredibly powerful, in singular and even more so, in concert. We possess skills and abilities in our emotional vault that allow us to be incredibly compassionate and unbelievably cruel. My church recently hosted a women’s brunch where the speaker discussed how we often feel the need to crush others – men and other women – so we can feel more powerful. She urged us to realize that it is not necessary to throw our weight/power around to feel superior.

I agree. I would like to urge us all to find true uplifting. If you have to decrease the power and stature of others to lift yourself up, the growth you gain is weak and artificial, falling easily. Imagine a group of women holding hands, standing in a circle, attempting to levitate. If one must push their neighbor down to rise up, most of their energy is expended in that effort. But if we are all focused on helping our neighbor to rise, we find ourselves on the rise, seemingly with little or no effort. In helping others up we discover the strength to come up ourselves.

When the urge strikes, and it will, to put someone down, turn it around and challenge yourself to find something to say that will be uplifting for that person. When you do that, you will grow in ways you never before imagined. Also, keep in mind that the fault you find in others is likely to be one you suffer from as well. Negativity can find itself very easily. The challenge is to find the good. Anyone can point out defects. It takes character to illuminate the positive and help it grow.